Sunday, April 10, 2011

Field Trip Friday

One of the best features of the Taller Colibri school in Oaxaca is Field Trip Friday. These are trips led by parents on a rotating basis. We've done regular field trip stuff like the local zoo, to more exotic stuff like a visit to the ruins at Yagul, more than 1000 years old.

On Fridays, we meet at the Organic Market in the Xochimilco neighborhood of Oaxaca City to catch a delicious breakfast.

From there we move on to a short seminar with Maestra Suzanna, then we head out to the field trip location.

This past week we had a great time, heading up toward the mountains to the north of town for a picnic and a swim in a cool stream on a hot day.

The kids found a huge rock to slide down. They had to pour water on it to get it working right--an experiment that dovetailed nicely with last Autumn's physics unit.
We also experienced some little leeches first hand, and boy did we get those things off quick!
It was a bit buggy up there, but we wisely brought along some medicinal clay from the Donahi neighborhood (from another great field trip Friday mission)--we coated our legs with it and the bugs couldn't bug us.
A good time was had by all.

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